Economics Department Receives New Trust Fund


The Economics Department is very pleased to announce that it has been designated as the beneficiary of the Eleanor Bloom Trust.  The trust is a permanent endowment, and Ms. Bloom left instructions that the funds be used to provide financial aid to the Economics Department, preferably for research assistants.  Funding of this type provides critical support for our department and graduate program, allowing us to provide greater opportunities for the enhancement of research and teaching, and the education and training of graduate research assistants.  And it is particularly gratifying when the source is a former student who chose to give back to the University and the Department in this way.

Ms. Bloom received her B.A. in Economics with Honors from UConn in 1955. She went on to receive her MA from Trinity College and taught Latin at E.O. Smith High School in Storrs.  The Department is very grateful for her support.