HDS 2000 Data and Related Research
On this page, the reader will find data and documentation arising from my work on the 2000 Housing Discrimination Study with the Urban Institute and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as links to related working papers. The material provided here is substantially more detailed than the material provided on the HUD website, but does not constitute an official data release by the U.S. government. Neither the U.S. government nor the Urban Institute bear any responsibility for the contents of site.
Links to HDS 2000 Data:
Phase 1 data and programs
Phase 1 codebook and documentation
Revised Phase 1 data
Phase 2 data
Revised Phase 2 data and programs
Phase 2 codebook
Phase 2 questionnaire
Phase 3 data and programs
Relevant Research by Steve Ross
Housing and Mortgage Lending Discrimination Literature Review
Research on Discrimination and Fair Housing Endorsement
Paired Testing Study of Mortgage Lending Discrimination
Paper with Revised Statistics for HDS 2000 Phase 1
Discussion and Analysis of HDS 2000 Methodology
The Color of Credit (with John Yinger), MIT Press