Macroeconomics Seminar

Spring 2025




Paper Title



Feb. 12 3:30-4:45pm Chiara dal Bianco

(University of Padua)

The welfare effects of nonlinear health dynamics Zhao Online Seminar

Zoom Room

Mar. 5 3:30-4:45pm Nicolo Russo

(Goethe University Frankfurt)

Zhao Herbst 337
Mar. 25 3:30-4:45pm Maria-Jose Carreras-Valle

(Pennsylvania State University)

TBA Peters

Special Joint Tuesday Seminar with Micro

Herbst 337
Mar. 26 3:30-4:45pm Yajie Wang

(University of Missouri)

TBA Zhao Herbst 337
Apr. 2 3:30-4:45pm Sebastian Dyrda

(University of Toronto)

TBA Zhao Herbst 337
Apr. 15 3:30-4:45pm Karthik Sastry

(Princeton University)

TBA Levin/Vidart

Special Joint Tuesday Seminar with Micro

Herbst 337
Apr. 23 3:30-4:45pm Boaz Abramson

(Columbia Business School)

TBA Levin/Vidart

Special Joint Seminar with Micro

Herbst 337

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Archive of Past Semesters

Microeconomics WorkshopLabor, Development & Health Economics Workshop | Econometrics Seminar Series