Mike Shor
Associate Professor
Homepage: http://www.mikeshor.com/
Vita: CV
Subject Areas: Industrial Organization, Experimental Economics, Game Theory
Ph.D., Economics, Rutgers University
B.A., Economics and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia
Honors and Appointments:
— Grillo Award for Teaching Excellence (2022,2015), University of Connecticut
— Grillo Award for Research Excellence (2012), University of Connecticut
— James A. Webb Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008, 2010), Vanderbilt University
— P.I., National Institutes of Health, Decision-making with too Many Options
Courses Taught:
— Game Theory
— Experimental Economics (Graduate seminar)
— Microeconomic Theory II (PhD)
Research Interests: Theory of Auctions, Decision Making and Choice Overload, Antitrust and Collusion, Game Theory
Selected Publications
“Optimizing Choice Architectures,” Decision Analysis (2019) 16(1), 2-30 (with Mark Schneider, Cary Deck, Tibor Besedeš, and Sudipta Sarangi).
“Designing a Sequential Choice Architecture to Reduce Choice Overload,” Review of Economics and Statistics (2015) 97(4), 793-802 (with Tibor Besedes, Cary Deck, and Sudipta Sarangi).
“How Collaborative Forecasting Can Reduce Forecast Accuracy,” Operations Research Letters (2015) 43(4), 349-353 (with Michael Galbreth and Mumin Kurtulus).
“Age Effects And Heuristics In Decision Making,” Review of Economics and Statistics (2012) 94(2), 580-595 (with Tibor Besedes, Cary Deck, and Sudipta Sarangi).
“Social Sharing Of Information Goods: Implications For Pricing And Profits,” Marketing Science (2012) 31(4), 603-620 (with Michael Galbreth and Bikram Ghosh).
“Decision-Making Strategies And Performance Among Seniors,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2012) 81(2), 524-533 (with Tibor Besedes, Cary Deck, and Sudipta Sarangi).

mike.shor@uconn.edu | |
Mailing Address | Unit 1063 |
Office Location | 321 Herbst Hall |
Office Hours | Tuesdays 2:00-3:00, or by appointment |