Stephen Ross
CV | Housing Discrimination Study 2000 | Online Working Papers (IDEAS) | Sign up: New Working Paper Announcements in Urban and Real Estate Economics (NEP-URE) | Stephen Ross in Vox | Stephen Ross on Twitter |
Subject Areas: Urban Economics, Public Finance, Labor Economics, Economics of Education
Stephen L. Ross is a Professor of Economics at the University of Connecticut and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Ross’s research has primarily focused on housing and mortgage lending discrimination, residential and school segregation, neighborhood and peer effects, and state and local governments. He has published in prestigious academic journals including the Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economics and Statistics, The Economic Journal, the American Economic Journal-Economic Policy, Social Problems and the Journal of Urban Economics, and published the Color of Credit with MIT Press in 2002. His research has been funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the FannieMae Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. Professor Ross also has consulted for Abt Associates, FannieMae, the National Consumer Law Center, the New York State Attorney General’s office, and the Urban Institute. He is a co-editor at Regional Science and Urban Economics and at Education Finance and Policy. He also edits the Urban and Real Estate Economics working paper announcement service for New Papers in Economics (NEP).
Education: Ph.D., Economics, Syracuse University
Honors and Appointments: — Member, Editorial Board, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2020-Present – Co-editor, Education Finance and Policy, 2019-Present — Co-editor, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018-Present — Research Fellow, Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018-Present — Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Geography, 2015-Present — Scholar, Penn Institute for Urban Research, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-Present — Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2014-Present — Network Member, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, University of Chicago — 2011-Present.Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Housing Economics, 2011-Present — Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Urban Economics, 2009-Present — Member, Editorial Board, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2007-Present — Councillor at Large, the North American Regional Science Council, 2011-2013 — Fellow, Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics, Homer Hoyt Institute, 2011 — Inaugural University of Connecticut College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Award – Social Sciences Division 2009 — University of Connecticut, Chancellor’s Fellow, 2003-04 — Post-doctoral Fellow, Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics, Homer Hoyt Institute, 2001 — American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Dissertation Award, 1995 — Syracuse University Fellowship, 1990-1994
Courses Taught: — Economics of Taxation and Government Spending — Urban Development and Policy — Economics of Poverty — Real Estate Principles — Principles of Macroeconomics — Advanced Labor Economics (Ph.D.) — Public Expenditures (Ph.D.)
Research Interests: Discrimination, Education, Local Public Finance, Mortgage Markets, Peer and Neighborhood Effects, Segregation, Social Interactions, Urban Labor Markets
Recent and Selected Publications:
“Endogenous Driving Behavior in Tests of Racial Profiling” (J. Kalinowski and M. Ross). In Press. Journal of Human Resources.
“The Effects of Career and Technical Education: Evidence from the Connecticut Technical High School System” (E. Brunner and S. Dougherty). In Press. Review of Economics and Statistics.
“Measuring Social Interaction Effects when Instruments are Weak” (with Z. Shi). In Press. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
“Information Value of Property Description: A Machine Learning Approach” (with L. Shen). 2021. Journal of Urban Economics 121, Article #103299
“Race-Specific Urban Wage Premia and the Black-White Wage Gap” (with E. Ananat and S. Fu). 2020. Journal of Urban Economics 116, Article #103241.
“Evidence and Actions on Mortgage Market Disparities: Research, Fair lending Enforcement and Consumer Protection” (with M. Courchane). 2019. Housing Policy Debate 29(5), 769-794.
“Sequential Strategic Openings of US Multiline Department Stores” (with J. Clapp and T. Zhou). 2019. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 37(1), 81-96.
“Partners in Crime” (with S. Billings and D. Deming). In Press. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(1), 126-50.
“The Housing and Educational Consequences of the School Choice Provisions of NCLB: Evidence from Charlotte, NC” (S. Billings and E. Brunner). 2018. Review of Economics and Statistics 100, 65-77.
“Estimating the effects of friendship networks on health behaviors of adolescents” (with J. Fletcher). 2018. Health Economics 27, 1-34.
“What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High Cost Mortgages? The Role of High Risk Lenders” (with P. Bayer and F. Ferreira). 2018. Review of Financial Studies 31, 175–205.
“There’s no place like home: Racial disparities in household formation in the 2000s” (with S. Newman and S. Holupka). 2018. Journal of Housing Economics 40, 142-156.
“Race and the City” (with I.G. Ellen). 2018. Journal of Housing Economics 40, 1-5.
“Measuring Trends in Discrimination with Field Experiment Data”. 2017. Commentary in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (41), 10815-10817.
“The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust”. 2016. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8, 1-27 (with P. Bayer and F. Ferreira).
“Change and persistence in the economics status of neighborhoods and cities” (In press). In The Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 6 (Eds. G. Duranton, V. Henderson, W. Strange). Elsevier Science/North Holland (with S. Rosenthal).
“Does less income mean less representation,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2013) 5, 53-76 (with E. Brunner, E. Washington).
“Bank capital requirements and capital structure,” Journal of Financial Services Research (2013) 43, 127-148 (with J. Harding, X. Liang).
“Wage premia in employment clusters: How important is worker heterogeneity,” Journal of Labor Economics (2013) 21, 271-304 (with S. Fu).
“School quality and property values: Re-examining the boundary approach,” Journal of Urban Economics (2012) 71, 18-25 (with P. Dhar).
“Economics and ideology: Causal evidence of the impact of income on support for redistribution and other proposals,” Review of Economics and Statistics (2011) 93, 888-906 (with E. Brunner, E. Washington).
“Understanding the foreclosure crisis,” Journal of Policy, Analysis and Management: Point-Counterpoint (2011) 30, 382-388 (with K. Gerardi, P. Willen).
“The effect of classmate characteristics on individual outcomes: Evidence from the Add Health,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2011) 3, 25-53 (with B. Bifulco, J. Fletcher).
“Is the median voter decisive? Evidence from referenda voting patterns,” Journal of Public Economics (2010) 94, 898-910 (with E. Brunner).
“Universal vouchers and racial and ethnic segregation,” Review of Economics and Statistics (2010) 92, 912-927 (with E. Brunner, J. Imazeki).
“Public school choice and integration: Evidence from Durham, NC,” Social Science Research (2009) 38, 78-85 (with B. Bifulco, H. Ladd).
“Place of work and place of residence: Informal hiring networks and labor market outcomes,” Journal of Political Economy (2008) 116, 1150-1196 (with P. Bayer, G. Topa).
“Mortgage lending in Chicago and Los Angeles: A paired testing study of the pre-application process,” Journal of Urban Economics (2008) 63(3), 902-919 (with M. Turner, E. Godfrey, R. Smith).
“Which school attributes matter? The influence of school district performance and demographic composition on property values,” Journal of Urban Economics (2008) 63, 451-466 (with J. Clapp, A. Nanda).
“Housing discrimination in metropolitan America: Explaining changes between 1989 and 2000,” Social Problems (2005) 52, 152-180 (with M. Turner).
“Schools and housing markets: An examination of changes in school segregation and performance,” The Economic Journal (2004) 114, F425-F440 (with J. Clapp).
“Racial bias in motor vehicle searches: Additional theory and evidence,” Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy (2004) 3, 1-21 (with D. Dharmapala).
“Whose in charge of the inner city: The conflict between efficiency and equity in the Design of a metropolitan area,” Journal of Urban Economics (2004) 56, 458-483 (with C. deBartolome).
“Now you see it, now you don’t: Why some homes are hidden from black buyers,” Review of Economics and Statistics (2003) 85, 854-873 (with J. Ondrich, J. Yinger).
Color of Credit: Mortgage Discrimination, Research Methods, and Fair Lending Enforcement (2002) (with J. Yinger).
“Sorting and voting: A review of the literature on urban public finance” (1999). In The Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 3: Applied Urban Economics (Eds. P. Cheshire and E.S. Mills). Elsevier Science/North Holland (with J. Yinger). | |
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