Registration Guide

Prepare – Before Enrollment Opens

  1. Know your enrollment appointment or "pick time"
    • Every student is assigned an enrollment appointment or pick-time. This is how you know when you will be able to register for classes. Students can view theirs by logging into in StudentAdmin > Manage Classes > Enrollment Appointment
  2. Check for holds on your account
    • You want to make sure there are no holds on your account as they will prevent you from registering for classes. To check, login to StudentAdmin > Action List > Holds. Here you will also see the steps you need to take to remove any holds. See below for more info on holds.
  3. Understand your requirements   

Register – After Enrollment Opens

  1. Visualize possible schedules  
  2. Meeting with an advisor is NOT required.
    • Students seeking help planning their courses may attend drop-in hours or make an appointment with an advisor. If an immediate appointment is not available, students should proceed with registration and adjust their schedule later, if needed.
  3. Fill your cart with the appropriate classes and complete registration

More about Holds

The Econ Department does not place advising holds. Therefore, if a student has a hold it was placed by another major. This can happen when a student is a double major or a dual degree, or sometimes from a previous major.  Our office can assist students whose hold was placed by a previous major so long as the student is no longer declared in that major. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to remove a hold for any other office and you must follow the directions provided for the hold.  For questions, contact the office that placed the hold. 

Permission Numbers and Waitlist

Getting a “Red X” when attempting to enroll in classes?

When students enroll in classes, they can sometimes get an error message (known informally as a Red X) because they do not meet the requirements for the class they are attempting to enroll in. Common reasons for these errors are:

Possible reason for error message

Suggested action to resolve

Time conflicts exists with other enrolled classes Check the times of all class components such as lecture, lab, and discussion
Missing pre-requisites Take the required pre-requisite class(es)
Class is full or has a Waitlist Put your name on the Waitlist
The remaining seats are reserved and you don't meet the criteria If possible, put yourself on the Waitlist
Instructor consent is required You may need a permission number for this class. Contact the instructor to see if they can provide you with one.
Hold on the account Resolve hold issue - see below
Third attempt at a course Complete the Repeat a course a Third Time form
Credit limit has been reached
Most students may take up to 17 credits in a semester
Students on probation may take up to 14 credits
To take 18 credits, call the Registrars Office at 860-486-3331 
To take more than 18 credits, complete the Excess Credit Authorization form


Suggested Crouse Sequences