Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have a minimum GPA to be admitted to the Graduate Program?

The department follows the Graduate School’s standards regarding GPA. Note however, that admission to our graduate programs is competitive and just meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee you admission.

Do I need to take the GRE? What is your institution code?

We do require all applicants to the PhD program to submit GRE scores. The University of Connecticut’s institution code is 3915. There is no department code.

The GRE score is not required for the MSQE application.

What is the average GRE score of admitted applicants? Is there a minimum GRE score?

We do not report statistics about GRE scores of admitted applicants.  We do not have a university or department minimum GRE score requirement. We review application materials holistically. GRE scores are used as one of the admissions criteria.

How can I prepare for the GRE?

There are several preparation guides, including

Is there a minimum TOEFL or IELTS score for admission? What is your institution code?

The Graduate School has set minimum requirements for TOEFL and IELTS. Please read more on English proficiency in Graduate School Admission Requirements. The department follows this standard. The Graduate School may waive the TOEFL/IELTS for certain applicants. Please see the Graduate School’s waiver policy. Applicants are encouraged to submit any information that might strengthen their application, including evidence of English proficiency. Students who are candidates for a departmental teaching assistantship but have not submitted TOEFL scores will be required to provide evidence of English proficiency before an assistantship offer can be made. Students who have received a score of 28 and above on the speaking portion of the TOEFL exam are considered English certified. Please read more about UConn’s English standards. The University of Connecticut’s institution code is 3915. There is no department code.

If I send you a copy of my transcripts and unofficial GRE scores, can you tell me what my chances of admission and financial aid are?

We only make admission and financial aid decisions upon receipt of a completed application. We cannot make “informal” assessments.

Can I be accepted directly into the Ph.D. program?

Students with a master’s degree in economics will be considered for admission directly into the Ph.D. program. In addition, qualified students with only a bachelor’s degree can be considered for admission directly into the Ph.D. program. Successful applicants usually have a very strong undergraduate performance and considerable economics and mathematics training.

Do I need to contact a faculty advisor before I apply?

No. Applications are reviewed by a department admissions committee, not by individual faculty. You do not need to contact an advisor before applying. Admitted students are assigned the Director of Graduate Studies as their first-year major advisor, and usually choose a major advisor in their second or third year. In your application, you may indicate 1-2 advisors of choice. This help us learn about your research interests.

Do I need to be an economics major to apply?

No, though some economics background and a strong mathematics background are preferred.

What amount of math training do I need?

For the MSQE program, a good background in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics/econometrics is recommended. Admission to the Ph.D. program requires a stronger background in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics.

What are my chances of receiving departmental financial aid?

We receive hundreds of applications each year and can only fund a small percentage of those. Departmental funding, in the form of graduate assistantships, is based solely on academic merit and is awarded to the best qualified applicants based on review of application materials. Only students admitted to the Ph.D. program will be considered for the graduate assistantships.  For the MSQE program, please see MSQE Scholarship Application

I was admitted without financial aid. Can I get on a waiting list?

In addition to offering some applicants financial aid, we put a small number of others on a waiting list and notify them of this status in their initial letter of admission. Other applicants admitted without aid cannot subsequently be put on a waiting list for aid.

If I receive financial aid, how many years of funding can I expect to receive from the department?

Ph.D. students can expect to receive up to 5 years of funding from the department. However, continued funding is conditional on the student continuing to make normal progress in the program.

I missed the January 15th deadline. Can I still be admitted and receive financial aid?

Applications received after January 15th will be considered for admission but will not ordinarily be considered for financial aid.

When can I expect to learn the outcome of my application?

We begin reviewing applications in mid-January. Decisions will be uploaded into the online application system as they are made. Admitted PhD students will receive additional information from the department in May. 

Can I defer admission?

Applicants who are admitted to the graduate program are usually allowed to defer their admission for at most one year without having to re-apply. However, students cannot defer financial aid awards. Thus, students admitted with financial aid can defer their admission one year but must re-apply for aid.

Can I be admitted for the Spring semester?

Because of the way our courses are sequenced, we do not offer admission for the Spring semester.