Microeconomics Seminar Series Archive

Fall 2024

Date Time Presenter Title Host Modality
Sept. 11 2:30 p.m. Matthew Jaremski

Utah State

‘Invest!’: Liberty Bonds and Stock Ownership over the Twentieth Century Coşgel In-person
Sept. 18 2:30 p.m. Brianna Halladay

Trinity College

Fear of Failure or Fear of Success? The Role of Task Stereotypes and Appropriateness in Competition Choice
Shor In-person
Sept. 25 2:30 p.m. Itai Sher

UMass – Amherst

Tax Salience: The Equality-Honesty-Efficiency Tradeoff Levin In-person
Oct. 16 2:30 p.m. Joel Flynn


Quick Fixing: Near-Rationality in Consumption and Savings Behavior Levin/Vidart In-person
Oct. 30 2:30 p.m. Nishith Prakash


Intergenerational Transmission of Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors Baggio In-person
Nov. 6 2:30 p.m. Jonathon Elliott

Johns Hopkins

Investment, Emissions, and Reliability in Electricity Markets Peters In-person
Nov. 13 2:30 p.m Steve Cicala


The Energy Transition, Local Air Pollution, and Mortality H. Kim In-person
Nov. 20 2:30 p.m. Jacob French

NYU Stern

Technological Change, Inequality, and Intergenerational Mobility: The Case of Early 20th Century Agriculture Levin In-person


Spring 2024

Date Time Presenter Title Host Modality
Jan. 16 3:30 p.m. Eric Hilt

Wellesley College

Inflation, War Bonds, and the Rise of Republicans in the 1950s  Cosgel/Baggio In-person
Jan. 23 3:30 p.m. Kareen Rozen

Brown University

As If Levin In-person
Jan. 30 3:30 p.m. Alex Imas

University of Chicago

Over- and Underreaction to Information Levin In-person
Feb. 20 3:30 p.m. Jiwon Choi

Brandeis University

The Effect of Deindustrialization on Local Economies: Evidence from New England Textile Towns Baggio
Feb. 27 3:30 p.m Jackson Dorsey

University of Texas at Austin

Soaking Up the Sun: Battery Investment, Renewable Energy, and Market Equilibrium Kim Virtual
Mar. 5 3:30 p.m. Akshaya Jha

Carnegie Mellon University

Impacts of the Clean Air Act on the Power Sector from 1938-1994: Anticipation and Adaptation Kim In-person
Apr. 2 3:30 p.m. Alex Pfaff

Duke University

Comparing Protection Types in The Peruvian Amazon: Multiple-Use Protected Areas Did No Worse for Forests Segerson In-person
Apr. 9th 3:30 p.m. Freddie Papazyan

Texas Tech

Power Consolidation in Groups Levin/Vidart In-person
Apr. 23 3:30 p.m. Martin Fiszbein

Boston University

Agrarian Origins of Individualism and Collectivism  Levin In-person

Fall 2023

Date Time Presenter Title Host Modality
Sept. 11 2:30 p.m. Shinsuke Tanaka


The Light of Life: The Effects of Sunlight on Suicide Baggio In-person
Sept. 18 2:30 p.m. Andrea Matranga

Università di Torino

Once Upon a Time in America: the Mafia and the Unions Levin Virtual
Sept. 25 2:30 p.m. Michele Baggio


Racial Diversity and Team Performance: Evidence from the American Offshore Whaling Industry Baggio In-person
Oct. 2 2:30 p.m. Krishna Dasaratha

Boston University

Equity Pay in Networked Teams Levin In-person
Oct. 9 2:30 p.m. Meiping Sun

Fordham University

Mistrust and Long-term Impacts of a Quality Shock Huang In-person
Oct. 16 2:30 p.m. David Weil

Brown University

Climate Change, Population Growth, and Population Pressure Levin In-person

Joint w/Macro

Oct. 23 2:30 p.m. Luke Sanford

Yale School of the Environment

Remote Control: Debiasing Remote Sensing Predictions for Causal Inference Levin In-person
Oct. 30 2:30 p.m. Ian Chadd

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Choosing to search: Choice with a Default Option Shor In-person
Nov. 6 2:30 p.m. Cuicui Chen

SUNY – Albany

Colluding Against Environmental Regulation Kim Virtual
Nov. 13 2:30 p.m. Charles Noussair

University of Arizona

Which institutions matter for economic growth? An experiment Levin Virtual
Nov. 27 2:30 p.m. Yijia Gao/Tiange Du


Job Market Talks Segerson/Langlois In-person
Dec. 4 2:30 p.m. Dario Pozzoli

Copenhagen Business School

TBA Baggio In-person

Spring 2023

Date Time Presenter and Title
Tue., Jan. 24 3:30 p.m. Ling Huang, Uconn

Tragedy of the Commons in Transportation and the Future of AI-powered Smart Traffic

Location: Oak 337 and online

Tue., Jan. 31 3:30 p.m. Cihan Artunc, Middlebury College

The Power of Connections: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Corporate Performance in Egypt, 1890 – 1950.

Location: online

Tue., Feb. 7 3:30 p.m. Max Auffhammer, UC Berkeley

Destructive Behavior, Judgement, and Economic Decision-Making under Thermal Stress.

Location: online

Tue., Feb. 21 3:30 p.m. Derek Lemoine, ASU

Informationally Efficient Climate Policy: Designing Markets to Measure and Price Externalities.

Location: online

Tue., Mar. 7 3:30 p.m. Michelle Marcus, Vanderbilt

Burying the Lead: Effects of Public Lead Service Line Replacements on Blood Lead Levels and Property Values.

Location: online

Tue., Mar. 21 3:30 p.m. Vincent Geloso, GMU

Canadian Evidence on the American Antebellum Puzzle

Location: online

Tue., mar. 28 3:30 p.m. Sebastien Houde, University of Lausanne

Watt Watchers and The Seesaw of Energy Dieting: Evidence from Low-Income Urban Households

Location: online

Tue., Apr. 4 3:30 p.m. Ilia Murtazashvili, U of Pittsburg

Selective Enforcement of Property Rights: Comparative Studies of American Indians and Chinese Villagers

Location: online

Tue., Apr. 11 3:30 p.m. Luke Sanford, Yale


Tue., Apr. 18 3:30 p.m. Sherry Gao, UMass Amherst

(This talk will be in person: Oak 337)

Tue., Apr. 25 3:30 p.m. Alexander Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics

Fairness Across the World

Location: online


Fall 2021

Date Time Presenter and Title
Mon., Sep. 13 2:30 p.m. Laura Bakkensen, University of Arizona
Climate Shocks, Cyclones, and Economic Growth: Bridging the Micro-Macro Gap
Mon., Sep. 27 2:30 p.m. Zach Brown, NC State University
The interaction of prices and peers in shaping demand for environmental health technologies:
a clean cookstove experiment in Northern Ghana
Mon., Oct. 11 2:30 p.m. Patrick Baylis, University of British Columbia
Mandated vs. Voluntary Adaptation to Natural Disasters: The Case of U.S. Wildfires
Mon., Oct. 18 2:30 p.m. Jorge Lemus, University of Illinois
The Benefit of the Doubt: Decision Making under Strategic Obfuscation
Mon., Nov. 1 2:30 p.m. David Laibson, Harvard – link to seminar
Present Bias Amplifies the Household Balance-Sheet Channels of Macroeconomic Policy
Mon., Nov. 8 2:30 p.m. Kailin Kroetz, Arizona State University

Distributional impacts of fishery disasters and implications for aid program design

Mon., Nov. 15 2:30 p.m. Frances Moore, UC Davis

Noah’s Ark in a Warming World: Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Public Adaptation Costs in the United States

Mon., Nov. 29 2:30 p.m. Heshan Zhang, UConn

Team Formation and Innovation

Mon., Dec. 6 2:30 p.m. Chuang Li, UConn
Opportunity Cost and Employment Effect of Emission Reduction: An Inter-Industry Comparison of Targeted Pollution Reduction

Spring 2021

Date Time Presenter and Title
Tue., Feb. 2 3:30 p.m. (recruiting seminar)
Tue. Feb. 9 3:30pm Peter Hull, University of Chicago
Measuring Racial Discrimination in Bail Decisions
Tue., Feb. 16 3:30 p.m. David Reiley, UC Berkeley & Pandora
Measuring Consumer Sensitivity to Audio Advertising: A Field Experiment on Pandora Internet Radio
Tue., Feb. 23 3:30 p.m. Steve Ross, UConn
Documenting Loss Aversion in Housing Markets using Evidence of Round Number Bias
Tue., Mar. 2 3:30 p.m. Teddy Mekonnen, Brown University
Random versus Directed Search for Scarce Resources
Tue., Mar. 16 3:30 p.m. Victor Volkman & Chuang Li, UConn
Crime Trends in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone & A
Resource Reallocation Model of Chinese Steel Industry
Tue., Mar. 30 3:30 p.m. Jonathan Hughes, University of Colorado
Driving, Speed, Congestion and the Accident Externality: Evidence from COVID-19
Tue., Apr. 6 3:30 p.m. Corinne Langinier, University of Alberta
The Effect of Patent Continuation on the Patenting Process
Tue., Apr. 20 3:30 p.m. Utteeyo Dasgupta, Wagner College
Games of Prejudice – Experiments at the Extensive and Intensive Margin
Tue., Apr. 27 3:30 p.m. Jingyun Chen & Tongan Liu, UConn
Chaotic Behavior in Two-Dimensional Dynamic Games with Bounded Rationality & Collusion in First-Price Auctions

Fall 2020

All seminars are held online unless otherwise noted.

Date Time Presenter and Title
Mon., Sep. 21 2:30 p.m. Kirby Nielsen, Caltech
When Choices are Mistakes
Mon., Sep. 28 (no seminar)
Mon., Oct. 5 2:30 p.m. Eleonora Patacchini, Cornell
Tax Professionals and Tax Evasion
Mon., Oct. 12 2:30 p.m. Sarah Jacobson, Williams College
How Does the Deterrence Effect of Regulatory Enforcement Differ between Privately and Government Owned Facilities
Mon., Oct. 19 2:30 p.m. Mark Schneider, Alabama
Asset Prices with the Best and Worst in Mind
Mon., Oct. 26 2:30 p.m. Kelly Bishop, Arizona State
Hazed and Confused: The Effect of Air Pollution on Dementia
Mon., Nov. 2 2:30 p.m. Dan Kaffine, Colorado
Who Benefits from Utility-Scale Renewables in California?
Mon., Nov. 9 2:30 p.m. Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Cornell
The Historical Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Agricultural Productivity
Mon., Nov. 16 2:30 p.m. (open)
Mon., Nov. 30 2:30 p.m. Dan Benjamin, UCLA
Adjusting for Scale-Use Heterogeneity in Self-Reported Well-Being
Mon., Dec. 7 2:30 p.m. David McAdams, Duke
Viral Social Learning
Mon., Dec. 14 2:30 p.m. Wensu Li, UConn
Is Working from Home a Way of Adaptation to Climate Change?


Spring 2020

Date Time Presenter and Title
Tue., Jan. 21 3:30 p.m. Neil Thompson, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab

The Decline of Computers as a General Purpose Technology: Why Deep Learning and the End of Moore’s Law are Fragmenting Computing.

The seminar will be held in the School of Business Boardroom (321)

Tue., Feb. 18 3:30 p.m. David Keiser, UMass Amherst

The Economic Effects of Environmental Crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan

Tue., Feb. 25 3:30 p.m. Leshui He, Bates College

Featured in the News: from the Attention Aura to Competing Complements

Tue., Mar. 3 3:30 p.m. Steven Nafziger, Williams College

Financing Nascent Industry: Leverage, Politics, and Performance in Imperial Russia

Tue., Mar. 10 3:30 p.m. Heshan Zhang, Uconn

A Firm Survival Analysis on Patents’ Scientific and Economic Values

Tue., Mar. 24 3:30 p.m. Sarah Jacobson, Williams College (CANCELLED)

Discretionary Exemptions from Environmental Regulation: Flexibility for Good or for Ill

Tue., Apr. 7 3:30 p.m. Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Cornell (CANCELLED)
Tue., Apr. 14 3:30 p.m. Laura Panza, University of Melbourne (CANCELLED)
Tue., Apr. 21 3:30 p.m. Eleonora Patacchini, Cornell (CANCELLED)
Tue., Apr. 28 3:30 p.m. Marty Smith, Duke (CANCELLED)

Fall 2019

Date Time Presenter and Title
Mon., Aug. 26 2:30 p.m. Organizational meeting
Tue., Sep. 17 2:30 p.m. Ina Ganguli, UMass Amherst

Joint with the Labor, Development & Health Workshop

Mon., Sep. 23 2:30 p.m. Joseph Aldy, Harvard Kennedy School

“Evaluating a Discretionary Safety Valve: The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Waiving Fuel Content Regulations in Response to Supply Shocks”

Mon., Oct. 7 2:30 p.m. Shilpa Sethia, UConn

“Nonparametric Measurement of Potential Gains from Mergers: An Additive Decomposition and Application to Indian Bank Mergers”

Mon., Oct. 14 2:30 p.m. Katrina Jessoe, UC Davis

“Water Markets and Climate Change Adaptation: Micro-level Evidence on Agricultural Water Demand”

Mon., Oct. 21 2:30 p.m. Wensu Li, UConn

“Challenges in preventing illegal recycling in developing countries”

Thu., Oct. 24 4:30 p.m. Paul Ferraro, Johns Hopkins University

“Ending Extreme Poverty Without Endangering Ecosystems”

as part of the Teale lecture series

Mon., Oct. 28 2:30 p.m. Matt Neidell, Columbia

“Cognitive fatigue and strategic inattention: Evidence from the (baseball) field”

Mon., Nov. 11 2:30 p.m. Angela de Oliveira, UMass Amherst

“Yours, Mine and Ours: Paying to Mitigate Risks to Self and Others”

Mon., Nov. 18 2:30 p.m. Brad Humphreys, Univ. of West Virginia

“NCAA Football Coach Compensation and Non-price Competition for Football Players”

Mon., Dec. 2 2:30 p.m. Chiara Margaria, Boston University

“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”


Spring 2019

Date Time Presenter and Title
Tue., Jan. 22 3:30 p.m. Ivan Rudik, Cornell

When NASCAR comes to town: Quasi-experimental evidence of the effects of leaded gasoline

Tue., Feb. 19 3:30 p.m. Nick Tsivanidis, Dartmouth – Cancelled

The Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Urban Transit Infrastructure: Evidence from Bogotá’s TransMilenio

Tue., Feb. 26 3:30 p.m. Laura Gee, Tufts

Salary Disclosure and Hiring: Evidence from a Two-Sided Audit Field Experiment

Tue., Mar. 5 3:30 p.m. Joseph Aldy, Harvard – Rescheduled Fall 2019

Transparency in Climate Policy: Using Forecasting Tools to Evaluate Emission Mitigation Efforts

Tue., Mar. 12 3:30 p.m. Barbara Biasi, Yale

The Labor Market for Teachers Under Different Pay Schemes

Tue., Apr. 2 3:30 p.m. Timothy Guinnane, Yale

The Impact of Bismarck’s social insurance program on marriage and fertility in Prussia

Tue., Apr. 9 3:30 p.m. Luke Froeb, Vanderbilt

Nash-in-Shapley: Bargaining with Recursive Threat Points

Tue., Apr. 16 3:30 p.m. Jun He, UConn

Should the Law Enable Counterfeit Hunters?

Tue., Apr. 23 3:30 p.m. Nasya Al-Saidy, UConn

Banking of Emissions Permits Under Market Power and Incomplete Information

Dominic Albino, UConn

An Experimental Proposal: Severe Punishment in a Public Goods Game

Tue., Apr. 30 3:30 p.m. Joshua Abbott, Arizona State

Structural Behavioral Models for Rights-Based Fisheries

Fall 2018

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Mon., Aug. 27 2:30 p.m. Organization meeting Hosted by Talia Bar and Michele Baggio
Mon., Sep. 10 2:30 p.m. Garth Heutel, Georgia State U. Adaptation and the Mortality Effects of Temperature Across U.S. Climate Regions Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Sep. 17 2:30 p.m. Treb Allen, Dartmouth
Border Walls
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Sep. 24 2:30 p.m. Olivier Deschenes, UC Santa Barbara
Weather and Death in India: Implications for Climate Change
Hosted by Michele Baggio and David Simon
Mon., Oct. 1 2:30 p.m. Richard Langlois, UConn
The Fisher Body Case and Organizational Economics
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Oct. 8 2:30 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 15 2:30 p.m. Erich Muehlegger, UC Davis
Pass-Through of Input Cost Shocks under Imperfect Competition: Evidence from the U.S. Fracking Boom
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Oct. 29 2:30 p.m. Michael Price, University of Alabama
Robbing Peter to Give to Paul: Using Field Experiments to Understand How Incentives to Give to One Charity Impact the Allocation of Funds Amongst Recipients
Hosted by Mike Shor
Mon., Nov. 5 2:30 p.m. Paul Conant, UConn
Tightening Environmental Stringency and its Effect on Innovation: Evidence from the EU-ETS Market
Hosted by Talia Bar
Mon., Nov. 12 2:30 p.m. Lint Barrage, Brown
Flood Risk Belief Heterogeneity and Coastal Home Price Dynamics: Going Under Water
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Nov. 19 Thanksgiving Break
Mon., Nov. 26 2:30 p.m. Edlira Cocoli, UConn

Impact of Promise Scholarship, on student enrollment: A nation wide analysis of enrollment impact by gender and race.

Shilpa Sethia, UConn

Conditions for sub-additivity of a multi-product cost function and gains from merger in the long-run and in the short-run

Hosted by Talia Bar
Mon., Dec. 3 2:30 p.m. Imke Reimers, Northeastern University
Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Trade Secrets Laws
Hosted by Talia Bar

Spring 2018

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Tues., Jan. 23 3:30 p.m. Nathan Fiala, UConn Agricultural and Resource Economics
“Social accountability and service delivery: Evidence from a large-scale experiment in Uganda”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., Jan. 30 3:30 p.m. Leshui He, Bates College
A Theory of Pre-litigation Settlement and Patent Assertion Entities
 Hosted by Talia Bar
Tues., Feb. 6 3:30 p.m. Richard Adelstein, Wesleyan University
The Exchange Order: Property and Liability as an Economic System
Hosted by Tom Miceli
Tues., Feb. 13 3:30 p.m. Wensu Li, UConn Economics
“Understanding the growth pattern of household electricity consumption in China.”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., Feb. 20 3:30 p.m. Dominic Albino, UConn Economics
“How to Bid on eBay”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., Mar. 13 Spring break
Tues., Mar. 20 3:30 p.m. Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Yale University
“Fixing the Machine that Would Not Go of Itself: State Constitutional Change and the Creation of an Open-Access Social Order in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century United States.”
Hosted by Metin Coşgel
Tues., Mar. 27 3:30 p.m. David Skarbek, Brown University
“Varieties of Prison Social Order: A Collection of Governance Mechanisms”
Hosted by Richard Langlois
Tues., Apr. 3 3:30 p.m. Matthew Kotchen, Yale University
“Crowding in With Joint Production of a Public Good: Evidence from Volunteerism in national Parks”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., Apr. 10 3:30 p.m. Jose-Antonio Espin Sanchez, Yale University
“La “Doña” e mobile: The role of women in social mobility”
Hosted by Metin Coşgel
Tues., Apr. 17 3:30 p.m. Alan Barreca, Institute of the Environment & Sustainability at UCLA
“From Conduction to Induction: How Temperature Affects Delivery Date and Gestational Lengths in the United States”
Hosted by Michele Baggio and David Simon

Fall 2017

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Fri., Sep. 8 12:30 p.m. Jesse Handbury, UPenn
“Urban Revival in America, 2000 to 2010”.pdf
Hosted by Stephen Ross
Mon., Sep. 11 2:30 p.m. Stephen Ryan, Washington University in St. Louis
“Subsidy Tagging in Privately Provided Health Insurance
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Sep. 18 2:30 p.m. Sofia Villas-Boas, Berkeley
“Using Random Utility Structural Demand Models to
Infer the Value of Quality Information”.pdf
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Sep. 25 2:30 p.m. Peter Siegelman,Uconn School of Law
“Do Judges Respond to Incentives? The Effects of the Six Month List”
Hosted by Talia Bar
Mon., Oct. 2 2:30 p.m. Subhash Ray,Uconn Econ
“Economic Measures of Capacity Utilization: A Nonparametric Cost Function Analysis”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Oct. 16 2:30 p.m. Adam Storeygard, Tufts
“Accessibility and Mobility in Urban India”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Mon., Oct. 23 2:30 p.m. Jeffrey Naecker, Wesleyan
“When Fair Isn’t Fair: Sophisticated Time Inconsistency in Social Preferences”.pdf
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Oct. 30 2:30 p.m. Chris Knittel, MIT
“Seeing the (Random) Forest for the (Random) Trees: Heterogeneous Treatment Effects from Home Energy Reports”
Hosted by Kathy Segerson
Fri., Nov. 10 12:00 p.m. in Oak 312 Hongju Liu, Uconn School of Business
“Technology and Market Structure: An Empirical Analysis of Entry and Exit in the Banking Industry”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Nov. 20 2:30 p.m. Recess week
Mon., Dec. 4 12:00 p.m. Harim Kim, University of Mannheim
“Heterogeneous Impacts of Cost Shocks, Strategic Bidding and Pass-Through: Evidence from the New England Electricity Market”.pdf
Hosted by Jungbin Hwang

Spring 2017

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Tues., Jan. 24 3:30 p.m. Talia, Bar
“Patent Reexamination”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Tues., Feb. 7 3:30 p.m. Konrad Menzel, NYU
“Strategic Network Formation with Many Agents”
Hosted by Talia Bar
Tues., Feb. 14 3:30 p.m. Resul Cesur, Uconn
“The Impact of Genetic Diversity on Religiosity: Evidence from the Exodus of Homo Sapiens out of Africa”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Tues., Feb. 28 3:30 p.m. Abhijit Ramalingam, University of East Anglia
“The Market for Talent: Competition for Resources and Self-Governance in Teams”
Hosted by Nishith Prakash
Tues., Mar. 7 3:30 p.m. Richard Sweeney, Boston College
“Capital versus Output Subsidies: Implications of Alternative Incentives for Wind Energy”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Tues., Mar. 14 3:30 p.m. Spring Break
Tues., Mar. 21 3:30 p.m. Kenneth Gillingham, Yale University
“Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: Evidence from a Field Experiment”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Tues., March 28 3:30 p.m. Nicholas J. Sanders, Cornell University
“Long-Run Pollution Exposure and Adult Mortality: Evidence from the Acid Rain Program”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., April 4 3:30 p.m. Jay Shimshack, University of Virginia
“Does mandatory labeling of outfall points influence pollution and compliance? Evidence from a natural experiment in Ohio”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., April 11 3:30 p.m. Dean Karlan, Yale University
“Sustainable Income for Ultra Poor Households: Evidence from the ‘Graduation’ Program in Six Countries, and from a Religion Experiment in the Philippines”
Hosted by Nishith Prakash

Fall 2016

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Mon., Sep. 19 2:30 p.m. Suyong Song, University of Iowa
“Nonseparable Models with Information Frictions”
Hosted by Jungbin Hwang
Mon., Oct. 3 2:30 p.m. Guy David, Wharton, UPenn
Hosted by Resul Cesur
Mon., Oct. 10 2:30 p.m. Michael Luca, Harvard Business School
“Racial Discrimination in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from a Field Experiment”
Hosted by Talia Bar
Mon., Oct. 17 2:30 p.m. Brendan Cunningham, Eastern Connecticut State University
“The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Media: Strategic Political Gridlock”
Hosted by Thomas Miceli
Mon., Oct. 31 2:30 p.m. Subhash Ray, UConn
“Nonparametric Measures of Efficiency in the Presence of Undesirable Outputs: A By-production Approach with Weak Disposability”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Nov. 7 2:30 p.m. Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Ohio State
“Shoreline Defense against Climate Change and Capitalized Impact of Beach Nourishment”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Nov. 14 2:30 p.m. Peter Maniloff, Colorado School of Mines
“Learning and Regulatory Deterrence: Evidence from Oil & Gas Production”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Nov. 28 2:30 p.m. Kyle Emerick, Tufts University
“Agricultural productivity and the sectoral reallocation of labor in rural India”
Hosted by Michele Baggio

Spring 2016

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Tues., Jan. 26 3:30 p.m. Corey Lang, University of Rhode Island, UConn
Hosted by Ling Huang
Tues., Feb. 2 3:30 p.m. Stephen Holland, UNC Greensboro
“Strategic Policy Choice in State-Level Regulation: The EPA’s Clean Power Plan”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Thur., Mar. 3 4:00 p.m. Yoram Bauman, Teale lecturer
“Comedy, Economics, and Climate Change”(location Konover Auditorium in the Dodd Center)
Hosted by Kathy Segerson
Fri, Mar. 4 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Jean-Paul Chavas, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Coase Revisited: Economic Efficiency under Externalities, Transaction Costs and Non-Convexity”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Tues., Mar. 22 3:30 p.m. Joseph Shapiro, Yale
“Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality”
Hosted by Michele Baggio
Fri., Apr. 1 2:30 p.m. Morris Davis, Rutgers University
“Neighborhood Choices and Neighborhood Effects”
Hosted by Steve Ross
Tues., Apr. 12 3:30 p.m. Pietro Peretto, Econ-Duke Hosted by Michele Baggio and Kai Zhao
Joint seminar with Macro
Tues., Apr. 19 3:30 p.m. Matthew Histen, Uconn
Tues., Apr. 26 3:30 p.m. Eric Kimbrough, Simon Fraser University Hosted by Mike Shor

Fall 2015

Date Time Presenter and Title Note
Mon., Sep. 14 2:30 p.m. Koichiro Ito, Chicago
“Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Sep. 21 2:30 p.m. Ramya Shankar, City College of New York
“Optimal Enforcement of Non-compete Covenants”
Hosted by Talia Bar
Mon., Oct. 12 2:30 p.m. Zhongmin Wang, RFF
“Supermarkets and Gasoline: An Empirical Study of Bundled Discounts”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Fri., Oct. 16 2:30 p.m. Erin Mansur, Dartmouth
“Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles?”
Hosted by Ling Huang
Mon., Oct. 19 2:30 p.m. Zheng Liu, UConn
“New Findings on the Long Term Effect of Mexico City’s 1989 Driving Restriction”
Mon., Oct. 26 2:30 p.m. Sadullah Yildirim, UConn
“Religious Roots of Civil Conflict”
Mon., Nov. 9 2:30 p.m. Matthew Histen, UConn
Mon., Nov. 30 2:30 p.m. Ling Huang, UConn


Fall 2014

Date Time Presenter
Mon., Sept. 8 2:30 p.m. Leshui He, Trinity College
“Subsidiaries vs. Divisions: a Property Rights Approach”
Mon., Sept. 15 2:30 p.m. Kelsey Jack, Tufts University
“Uncertainty, Self-Selection and Design of Subsidies: Evidence from Zambia”
Mon., Sept. 22 2:30 p.m. Subhash Ray, Uconn Trinity College
“Branching Efficiency in Indian Banking: An Analysis of a Demand-Constrained Network”
Mon., Sept. 29 2:30 p.m. Zheng Liu, Uconn; Yishu Zhou, Uconn
Mon., Oct. 6 2:30 p.m. Shanjun Li, Cornell University
Mon., Oct. 13 2:30 p.m. Rong Zhou, Uconn
Wed. Oct. 15 4:00 p.m. A. Ronald Gallant, Penn State (Joint seminar with Statistics Department)
Mon., Oct. 27 2:30 p.m. Jesse Kalinowski, Uconn
Mon., Nov. 3 2:30 p.m. John Lazarev, NYU
Fri., Nov. 7 2:30 p.m. Geoffrey Hodgson, University of Hertfordshire
Mon., Nov. 10 2:30 p.m. Bryce Casavant, Uconn;
Mon., Nov. 17 2:30 p.m. Mike Shor, UConn
Mon., Dec. 1 2:30 p.m. Ling Huang, UConn