Professor Harmon Contributes to Starting Point

Professor Harmon was one of 16 invited participants to the Spring Workshop of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics, at Carleton College, MN (March 25-27, 2012).

Starting Point is an NSF funded project that seeks to introduce economists to pedagogical innovations developed witnin and beyond the discipline of economics. The project develops research based instructional strategies to promote student learning in economics. 

The Workshop participants spent an intensive 3 days planning, writing, reviewing, and editing instructional modules. The goal of the project is to create an online open source database of  classroom-tested examples for instructors of core undergraduate economics courses.  Harmon, a new convert of the project, believes it is visionary and in time will become an often consulted, and often used resource.  Both for graduate-student instructors looking for teaching ideas, and to experienced instructors looking for new ideas to try out in their classroom. To read more about the Starting Point Project, click here. To view the current inventory of examples click here.