During 2022-2023 academic year, Greenwich High School students enrolled in the Early College Experience (ECE) Economics courses taught by Mr. Ian Tiedemann participated in the High School Fed Challenge, which is an academic competition where teams of students act as future economists. The competition is administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and offers the opportunity for students to develop skills in teamwork, research, data literacy, and analytical writing. Student teams author economics research and pursue recognition in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Journal of Future Economists.
In June, the announcement of the winners of the essay content came out, and we learned that Greenwich HS team is one of the winners! Their essay “It’s a (s)Mall World: Globalization, E-Commerce, and Shopping Malls” is included in the Journal of Future Economists, 2023: pp. 78-91.
We congratulate the team of students: Ambika Grover, Ryan Kaufman, Cindy Li, Max Lu, Amrutha Nandakumar, Charles Andrew Miranda, Nicole Orlofsky, and Elliott Gordon.
We congratulate their teacher, certified ECE Economics instructor, Mr. Ian Tiedemann.
Through the Office of Early College Programs, the Economics Department works closely with 58 UConn ECE certified Economics instructors representing 42 different partner high schools across the state. In 2022-2023 academic year, 785 students were enrolled in 64 UConn Economics courses (ECON 1000, 1201, 1202). Since some students take more than one course, there were 1225 total enrollments.
The impact on students who take Early College Experience (ECE) Economics courses is manyfold. They get acquainted with the academic rigor of CLAS, gain familiarity with the University as a whole, and publicize the prominence of UConn across the nation and around the world when gaining acceptance to institutions of higher education.
ECE students’ success reflects positively on the University of Connecticut, as these students continue to prosper throughout the country at the various universities and colleges they attend. Their continued success is indicative of their college readiness in part due to their enrollment in the UConn ECE program.