
Prof. Ling Huang ‘s Research Accepted at AER

huangResearch by Assistant Professor Ling Huang and her co-author, Martin Smith has been accepted for publication in the American Economic Review.  The article, entitled “The Dynamic Efficiency Costs of Common-Pool Resource Exploitation” makes use of a dynamic game to understand the Common-Pool resource extraction.  Natural resources management is a dynamic problem by its nature. Economists have worked on this important area for a very long time in the context of optimal control theory. However, the theoretical framework is very hard to be directly applied to empirical quantification. Based on multiple generations of research, hinged on the data availability and recent methodological development in dynamic discrete choice modeling, this paper is novel in its use of real data and a comprehensive dynamic game framework to empirically quantify the effect of the “tragedy of the commons.” It is the first paper in the fishery field published in AER after three decades.



We conduct the first empirical investigation of common-pool resource users’ dynamic and strategic behavior at the micro level using real-world data. Fishermen’s strategies in a fully dynamic game account for latent resource dynamics and other players’ actions, revealing the profit structure of the fishery. We compare the fishermen’s actual and socially optimal exploitation paths under a time-specific vessel allocation policy and find a sizable dynamic externality. Individual fishermen respond to other users by exerting effort above the optimal level early in the season. Congestion is costly instantaneously but is beneficial in the long run because it partially offsets dynamic inefficiencies.

Prof. Ling Huang’s Article Wins Award

mreProfessor Ling Huang‘s article with Lauren A. B. Nichols, J. Kevin Craig, and Martin D. Smith titled “Measuring Welfare Losses from Hypoxia: The Case of North Carolina Brown Shrimp,” has been selected as the winner for the eighth annual award for Outstanding Article in Marine Resource Economics.

Abstract: While environmental stressors such as hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) are perceived as a threat to the productivity of coastal ecosystems, policy makers have little information about the economic consequences for fisheries. Recent work on hypoxia develops a bioeconomic model to harness microdata and quantify the effects of hypoxia on North Carolina’s brown shrimp fishery. This work finds that hypoxia is responsible for a 12.9% decrease in NC brown shrimp catches from 1999–2005 in the Neuse River Estuary and Pamlico Sound, assuming that vessels do not react to changes in abundance. The current article extends this work to explore the full economic con­sequences of hypoxia on the supply and demand for brown shrimp. Demand analysis reveals that the NC shrimp industry is too small to influence prices, which are driven entirely by imports and other domestic U.S. harvest. Thus, demand is flat and there are no measurable benefits to shrimp consumers from reduced hypoxia. On the supply side, we find that the shrimp fleet responds to variation in price, abundance, and weather. Hence, the supply curve has some elasticity. Producer benefits of reduced hypoxia are less than a quarter of the computed gains from assuming no behavioral adjustment.


Ling Huang to join department

Ling Huang, Economics PhD from Duke University and currently post-doc at the Fisheries Economics Research Unit of the University of British Columbia, will be joining the department as Assistant Professor next Fall. Her research interests center on investigating the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic outputs. Specifically, she is interested in evaluating the effectiveness of policies and impacts of resource exploitation, and discovering the underlying mechanisms.

Huang has conducted research on a wide range of topics in resource economics, including property rights and overexploitation of renewable resources, economic impact analysis of environmental stresses, impacts of greenhouse gas emissions, non-market evaluation, economic impact analysis of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, ‘green’ economy strategies and ecosystem-based management. She has published in Ecological Economics and Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science