Professor David Simon has had an Op Ed published in the Connecticut Mirror. The article is online at:
No, Generous Unemployment Benefits are not Driving the Labor Shortage
Professor David Simon has had an Op Ed published in the Connecticut Mirror. The article is online at:
No, Generous Unemployment Benefits are not Driving the Labor Shortage
Professor Steve Ross was interviewed on the Connecticut Public Radio program Where We Live about the potential Universal Basic Income pilot program in Hartford, CT.
The interview is online at:
Universal Basic Income Might Be Coming To Hartford | Connecticut Public Radio (
Professor Stephen Ross will be serving on the Universal Basic Income (UBI) working group for the City of Hartford, tasked with guiding a pilot program to evaluate the possible implementation of a UBI by the city.
The pilot program was featured this week in an article in the Hartford Courant:
City of Hartford exploring giving no-strings, monthly cash payments to single, working parents
Professor Nishith Prakash and his work with the Association for Mentoring & Inclusion in Economics has been featured in the most recent UConn Today:
The field of economics, like many areas of academics and society, has struggled over time to bring a diverse range of people into the discipline.
To address some of these issues, a UConn professor has helped create a new organization with the goal of lessening gender, race, and socioeconomic-based gaps in economics through mentorship, resource provision, and the creation of a network focused on inclusion.
AMIE, the Association for Mentoring & Inclusion in Economics, was recently founded by Nishith Prakash, an associate professor of economics at UConn with a joint appointment in the school’s Human Rights Institute. The co-founder is Priya Mukherjee, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin.
The pair started informally working on this idea while they were both visiting scholars at Boston University’s Institute for Economic Development three years ago, and decided to formally launch AMIE this year.
Specific groups that are a focus of AMIE include underrepresented minorities, the LGBTQIA+ community, first-generation college students, women, and international students – both those studying in the United States and abroad.
The full article is online at:
New Association Co-Founded By UConn Professor Looks to Diversify Economics
Professor Lanza’s 2021 forecast for the Connecticut economy was featured in the December 28, 2020 issue of the Hartford Business Journal.
Lanza predicts a year of moderate recovery as vaccines roll out and the state gets back to work.
The complete forecast may be found online at:
Professor Kanda Naknoi has been interviewed by the New York Times about her latest work on the Thai military as a business group, for the article, “Almost Like Clockwork, Talk of a Military Coup Follows Thai Protests”
The article may be found online at:
Professor Stephen Ross recently took part in a panel discussion about the economic recovery from the pandemic in Connecticut:
Bouncing Forward from the Pandemic: Economic Disparities, School, Childcare, and Residential Integration
Thursday, October 15, 2020, 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Moderator: Beth Bye, Commissioner, Office of Early Childhood
State of the State on Economic Disparities: Dr. Stephen Ross, UConn Departments of Economics and Public Policy
Residential Zoning Reform: Dr. Saud Anwar, State Senator
Addressing Challenges Faced by the Working Poor : Dr. Lauren Ruth, Research & Policy Director, ConnecticutVoices for Children
High Potential Programs to Boost High School Students to a Family Living Wage: Dr. Lyle Wray, ExecutiveDirector, CRCOG
Professor Ross was interviewed by about racial differences in the price of mortgage credit.
The full article, “The Damaging Racism Hiding in Mortgages—Even Today”, may be found online at:
The Surprising Ways Race Remains a Factor in Mortgage Lending
MSQE student Yuansun (Sonny) Jiang’s COVID-19 Connecticut Data Visualization website has been featured in UConn Today:
UConn Student Tracks Pandemic With Data
“Using the skills he was learning in Prof. Oskar Harmon’s Writing and Communication for Economics and Business graduate course, Jiang began assembling the COVID-19 Connecticut Data Visualization website, where he daily charts the pandemic’s course both here in Connecticut and across the country.”
Read the full article at
Information about the MSQE Program may be found online at
Based on his research of the impact of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, Professor Jorge Agüero has published two op-eds for Peruvian outlets on the economics of the Covid-19, how it could affect the Peruvian economy and the role of public policies to reduce the impact of the pandemic.
His February column was published in the leading newspaper El Comercio and his most recent article was published this week focusing on the difficulty of adopting hand washing as a common practice.